dawn at Lake Ella

11/26/2021 – Friday after U.S. Thanksgiving

This is late, and by late, I mean several months late. I quit writing Keely’s Way in late July. I don’t think it is a coincidence that I stopped updating this blog nearly at the same time Florida State employees were ordered back to the offices full time in what is euphemistically referred to as “The Repopulation.”

Over 60,000 people have died in Florida from COVID-19.

As we “repopulated”, Florida went into two months of it’s highest daily death rates.

I cannot think of a clearer message from my employer saying “we don’t care if you die” than that. Further, my doctor-ordered medical accommodation of working from home a few days a week — written to combat my rising anxiety and deepening depression — was denied by HR at FSU.

Dropping this blog for a while was the least of my worries, to be honest.

But time marches on and after therapy and some other steps I’ve taken, I am back at this. I was walking Keely this morning super late, as I went into a post-Thanksgiving day slumber that lasted until an unheard of 8:30 a.m.! I looked at the Vino Beano sign and wondering who got paid to think up that truly horrible name for a business. It is a combo wine-bar-and-coffee-shop, which is actually an idea I rather approve of! But not the name.

I thought to myself at the time that I should share this on Keely’s Way and realized that is the first time I’ve thought of doing that in a while. Combined with talking with some fellow writers yesterday about the value of a daily writing habit: I’M BACK!

In celebration, here is a photo of Keely I took yesterday of her smearing herself all over the parking lot for Hawthorne Bistro & Lucky Goat Coffee. Dogs are weird. keely wallowing in a parking lot


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