{113} More #JustKeelyThings

by | Oct 7, 2016 | Life and all That, Keely-boo

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016

More about my dog, because she’s awesome.


  1. She’s 100% not a morning dog. When I wake up she follows me from room to room as I do my ablutions, where she flops down on the floor and tries to go back to sleep. Oh, she’ll get excited when I rattle her harness and leash to announce “walksies time!” but that will last until about the time we hit the sidewalk, and then it’s like getting a teenager ready for school: dragging feet, morose attitude, and complete lack of motivation.
  2. She does not beg. I’ve never known a dog to not beg, it’s weird to me. More proof I think that she was once a well trained house dog? I don’t know. I’m grateful for it, because begging is one annoying and hard to break habit in a dog.
  3. I can take her to restaurants where dogs are allowed on the patios because she is so super chillax about it. She lays down, watches people, lets the waiters flirt with her, and is not fazed by the trays of food that pass her by. It makes her a lovely dinner companion.
  4. She’s got a day walker (shout out to Jonnie!!!) who is, perhaps, more in love with Keely than I am. They have all kinds of adventures and I feel like the mom who has sent her precious baby off to summer camp: I’m worried and fretting and checking facebook for updates while Keely is out frolicking and forgetting that I exist.
  5. She and the RatBuddy (whom I am babysitting for friends) seemed to have entered detente. I’m totally okay with that.
  6. She really enjoys it when I sing to her, she gets all tail-waggy and happy. I need to learn more songs than A You’re Adorable
  7. And if it hasn’t been made clear, she’s completely wormed her way into heart. It’s hard to believe I’ve only had her in my life for only two weeks!!!!

lovin' on kimboo

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