dawn at Lake Ella

12/1/2021 – cue “December ALREADY?” freakout

Well, it’s December. *looks around* I guess?

I still sometimes feel like we are working through March 2020 2.0, while other times I feel like we’re five years ahead in dystopia. Which I suppose we are, one way or another. And while I’m very much in a downer mood about politics and the future, I also need to work on a positive mindset about my own future, or all hope is lost!

In the meantime, I overslept again! So another short walk for Keely, but she was slow to start herself — I suspect her aging bones are rebelling against the chilly mornings as much as mine are! I’m trying not to run the heater at all to save money, relying on a small space heater for a little warmth when we need it. Of course I turn it off before bed, so the temperature in the house was below 60°F when we finally managed to get moving. brrrrrrrrrr

Then again, it was also another brilliantly lit morning as the sun started to rise. This is looking straight up from the bus stop outside the Senior Center on Monroe:

shot of blue sky with clouds

Keely was already asleep when I headed back out, which just made me want to lie down with her and nap. Alas! It was time to head to the office and back to the grind.

We are bracing now for finals week. New followers may not know but it is our busiest week of the semester, as the entirety of our operations is devoted to test proctoring. It is absolutely wild because we are open from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.,

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