dawn at Lake Ella

12/18/2021 – Down to the Foundations in 2022, I guess?

Good morning! The stars have aligned and I am starting my “productivity zone” a bit early at 9:30 am since I have plans to meet up with my friend Gina for brunch in a bit. Excited to get to some girl talk! By which I mean talking about our businesses, marketing, fiction writing, and publishing. Good times!

As promised I did get around to the End Times Country Buffet deconstruction zone, and even took a few photos of the still-standing sign in front of the now-empty(ish) lot. But that photo will have to wait, as this one is more interesting since it features Keely, looking out over the destruction and wondering, “why is she making me stand here in the middle of an empty lot? And where is My Fox?”

Keely standing on blue and pink paving stones

The paving stones she is standing on are actually part of the foundations that the building was razed down too. I suspect they used to be part of a patio area that was eventually floored over and enclosed. I did not get any closer to the remains of the building as I did not want Keely to pick up any dangerous glass/nails/detritus in her paws, but one interesting thing I had not been aware of is that the old house that was behind the restaurant has also been torn down. Two for one, I guess?

That house had been used for business offices for as long as I’ve walked past it, but it too had slowly been falling into decay over the years. The second floor I assume got closed off completely since there was kudzu vines growing inside and pushing out of the windows. Not creepy at all!

But it’s gone now, which doubles the “empty lot” space, so I continue to wonder at what will happen next. Not exactly riveting news, but then, you did not subscribe to this blog for cutting edge reporting, did ya’?

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