dawn at Lake Ella

12/19/2021 – Sunday, We Open for Take

As promised! The sign with the empty lot. I love the last message on the sign: We open for take. Worlds of meaning there for sure!

end times at last - big empty lot

If you’re curious, the patio stones from yesterday’s photo are in the open space hidden by the palmetto fronds at the bottom of this photo.

I should have gotten this out before 11am but like a fool I checked my email first, so that didn’t happen. All’s well that ends well, though!

Our morning walk was itself delayed by rain. Keely was very put out by the fact that I could not make it stop raining. She looked out the door (I had to open it for her to see for herself why I was not putting on my shoes) then looked at me, then huffed and stomped into the kitchen for her breakfast. Sometimes I marvel at how much personality she has now, compared to when I first brought her home back in 2016. She never barked, she was always skittish, she tried to keep quiet and out of the way most of the time. Now she’s a fussy, prissy princess and I love her even more!

Although she still hates getting a bath. I guess there are some constants ahahaha!

We eventually got out around 8 a.m., but everything was wet enough to annoy Keely so she made fast work of it. I suppose it might also be because the rain tamped down any scents she might want to investigate, so she had no reason to stop as she pranced around the pond, avoiding puddles.

Sadly, it’s turned into one of those days where the temperature is low enough that it should be pleasant enough to open the windows EXCEPT for the wretched humidity making everything damp and icky. Ugh.



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