dawn at Lake Ella

12/2/2021 – Thursday

I almost wrote “Tuesday” instead of Thursday, so that’s how today’s going.

Got to work to find out that our accessible conversion golfcarts had been attacked overnight, putting them out of service for who knows how long. The real issue though is the hate crime part, where the n-word and other slurs were written all over them in permanent marker. We’re pretty sure this was targeted, since the our transportation driver is Black. As infuriating as this is, as horrified as I am, I cannot imagine what our driver is feeling…mostly because he’s an older black man (in his 60s) who has likely dealt with this kind of hate far too many times in his life. He’s being very stoic about it, and I’m sure that’s born of experience too. It makes me incandescently furious at our whole wretched country.

On the other hand, the on-going farce of finding a new director took an unexpected turn, and the person we all really liked in interviews decided to accept the position. He’ll start after the first of the year and that is a little bit of optimism we all needed this week.

Highs and lows, I guess. Highs and lows.

No photo today, mostly because I’m trying to get this out before 11 a.m. The walk with Keely was fairly mundane anyway; I did wake up on time and actually felt awake! I’m hoping this means the fatigue from the pfizer booster shot last Friday night is over and done with. Not that I have big plans or anything! …or maybe I do, actually. Would like to get to recording a new podcast episode tonight. We’ll see how the rest of this day goes!

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