dawn at Lake Ella

12/20/2021 – Monday

One of the joys of not having to be at the bus stop by 7 a.m. is that I get to lounge about in bed until 7 a.m. Even Keely is not a morning person, content to wallow in bed with me until we both have to pee. And there in a nutshell is the lifestyle of two old dogs like us!

It was a bit chilly this morning, with the weather finally living up to the cold winter atmosphere that has been going on for days now without the accompanying cold bite to the air. Having warm, moist temperatures when the world looks like it should be cold is just unfair! At around 55°F it was not technically cold, but that’s low enough for Florida to justify bringing out the jackets and scarves! Keely of course loves it, and basically wants to just keep walking allllll morning and possibly all day.

Today’s photo is another one I took earlier this month:

bottom of old rust sign post

It’s a sign post at the corner of 3rd and Monroe, in front of the Island OMG Seafood restaurant (former Café Cabernet, for old timers). I suspect this post was in place before even the plaza was built. Nothing hangs off of it now and the post is slowly rusting away under layers of peeling paint and moss. I do not know what the orange marker paint is marking, but it would not surprise me if this post is dug up soon to make way for other renovations. I wanted to get the whole post in the photo but my camera doesn’t have a lens that could handle that angle, looking up. I will have to get a good camera eventually if I keep trying to be artistic about it!

Settling in for my “productivity zone” now. A lot to do on my list, wish me luck.

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