dawn at Lake Ella

12/21/2021 – Tuesday

I was slow to get moving this morning, a combination of staying up too late and the weather being all overcast and somber. Even Keely was not too excited about being dragged off the warm bed. But off we went into the bitter cold (45°F, but I mean…Florida!) to walk around the park. The bulldozer at End Times Country Buffet was actually bulldozing stuff, mostly tearing up part of the foundation as best as I could tell, so we stopped to watch for a bit.

(Still feeling a bit out of it, so swigging tea like nobody’s business. Some days are just meant to be slower than others, I guess.)

In that vein, here is a photo of the reservoir control for Lake Ella. I have a lot of photos of this eyesore from over the years, trying to capture the industrialized grotesquerie of it. Not sure I’ll ever truly capture it but the grayed-out atmosphere gave this photo a bit of a bump over the others I’ve taken in the past:

a view of lake ella from behind the reservoir control

It makes me think of world building, and how a culture/society would need to develop to consider making such a utilitarian feature look pretty. It’s possible! But there is a lot to the U.S. history of blank-faced Protestantism, the infamous “work ethic” of which values only productivity and not aesthetics, which feeds into mundane things like this but also suburban house design and parks and…everything. Everything. *sigh*

In other news I think I need to put some focus on my health in the form of eating better (vegetables, I mean vegetables OMG KIMBOO EAT SOME GREEN THINGS) and, more importantly, physical exercise. I can feel myself getting stiff and sore and this is possibly the first time I’ve ever felt old trying to get up out of my chair. Yoga, dancing, t-tapp, SOMETHING. I do not want to be one of those 60 year olds stumbling around with no muscles or flexibility.


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