dawn at Lake Ella

12/23/2021 – Thursday

I splurged for a classic egg sandwich from Hawthorne Bistro this morning, which I really cannot afford to be doing much, but OH it was so good. Bacon-y egg-y milk bread toast-y! Nom!

Which is to say, I’m getting this in under the wire due to delay for yummy food. YOLO!!!!

It was another cold morning so I was bundled up and Keely was ecstatic. When we headed back up Monroe towards home she kept trying to pull me across the street, her signal for “let’s got the long way around Publix!” I prevailed but she did make me feel guilty about it, so point to her.

We did go over and inspect the End Times Country Buffet site. The foundation has been pulled up, and they are adding dirt to (I assume) level it out.

end times empty lot

The forefront is where the restaurant stood, and the small piles of dirt toward the back mark where the old house used to be. Again, no clue if they plan on building something new or are just cleaning it up to sell the lot. Ah, the mystery!

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