dawn at Lake Ella

12/31/2021 – Friday, and Goodbye 2021!

So here we are, folks. We made it!

I’m feeling a bit conflicted about the turn over of the new year. Resolutions or no? Optimism or pessimism? Hope or hopelessness?

It’s all about balance, ye olde yin and yang, but on the other hand the past few years (since the coup in 2016) have been a blizzard of trauma for anyone with a conscience.

I saw this sign the other day outside of Golden Corral and thought it represents so much about the USA right now, no editorializing needed methinks:

sign advert for buying blood test strips

The city was not silent this morning but it was fairly quiet for a weekday, since most businesses are closed or closing early. In the Before Times, a Friday-night NYE would mean parties everywhere, but instead it felt more like people are hunkering down. Not all, of course (yesterday I discovered that there are actual live human beings who earnestly believe that there was never a pandemic, and I weep for humanity — the willful ignorance, the bowing to anti-science and hatred is simply unimaginable to me). I fully expect some bars in this accursed state to be crowded, although I won’t be at any to witness it!

I am, however, doing things differently. For the past 10 years I’ve never stayed up to turn over the year at midnight, and since my parents died in the mid-1990s I’ve never made black-eyed peas and greens on the 1st. I’m not superstitious in the sense that I believe doing those things will magically make life better, but I am doing them instead to, I guess, stir things up in my brain. Honor traditions. Do different, be different.

Gonna be a year of change for me, so hang on tight!

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