{134} NaNo changes

by | Oct 29, 2016 | Writing

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016

I’m changing up my plans for NaNo.

The book I want to work on, Link in the Chain, is really raring to go. The problem is that it needs a LOT of rewrites on what I have now before I can sit down to plunk out new parts. I knew this a week ago but I also have other projects in the pipeline I could not put off, and therefore that work did not get done.


The honest truth is that I have more than ten books “in progress” but like LitC, they would all need some serious re-writing/editing before I could actually expand the stories. I’m in a frustrated corner where I want to write those stories, but none of them are ready to be written-to-finish without a lot of prep work.

In talking about it, PlotMistress Kim McShane, she of Kimprovise fame, suggested instead that I should write a follow up to Wolves of Harmony Heights.


Almost from day three or four, WoHH was going to be part of a series with clever titles like Wolves of New Orleans and Wolves of Boston and Wolves of Tallahassee that Small City in the Florida Panhandle (okay no, not that last one, but you get the idea). The suggestion to actually write one of those books is a good one.

But now I’m at the other end of my former problem; instead of having too much story to wrangle and wrestle into a place where I can re-start writing it, I am at absolute zero, in the scientific meaning, for a story idea.

It’ll probably be Wolves of Boston, honestly. My friend Jen lives up there and can help me with locations and details, and she’s been wanting me to set a story in the Boston area for a while now. Kim and I are meeting tomorrow to hash out the idea further.

Whoooo-haaaaa, this is how NaNo is done!


lovin' on kimboo

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