{158} Three days of drawing every day

by | Nov 23, 2016 | Life and all That

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016

I think my skills are deteriorating.

I committed to drawing every day three days ago, using a modification of the writer’s tool, “morning pages” that I call “daily draws.” I set 15 minutes aside every morning after walking the dog (I mean, that always comes first, okay?) to sit down and sketch. I have a book of photos of nudes in various poses, male and female, that I use, opening randomly to a page and sketching that image.

Nothing makes you confront your own inadequacy more than having do something creative every day for a limited amount of time. *cries onto cheap sketch paper*

I know, I KNOW, that this is process of getting better at a skill. I know that doing it wrong, doing it poorly, many times over is how one gets to the point of doing it well. I know that.

*slumps over desk* 

But I’ve done it for three days. And I will do it for another three days, and then three days after that. This is my promise to myself.

lovin' on kimboo

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