{182} The Last Week of the Year

by | Dec 24, 2016 | Ponderings

This entry is part [part not set] of 130 in the series Blog-a-Day2016

My “holiday tradition” has become using the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day as a time of personal reflection.

I rarely go anywhere or do anything with other people in this time frame. Since I don’t celebrate any religious holidays and I am single, I can and do spend that week puttering around the house, meditating a lot, walking and petting the dog, and figuring out what focus I want to have for the upcoming year.

Now, on Christmas Eve, marks the opening of the door to the last week of the year. I will look back on on 2016 and measure out the aspirations I have for 2017.

I’ll be writing a separate post reflecting on this past year (a lot of cussing may be involved), but I’ll cop to for now that what was not accomplished visibly as action items marked off a list was, instead, energy I spent on doing some deep emotional work.

This week, I’ll be parsing that out, and fitting it into the overall picture of my life. I feel like I should have a secular advent calendar marking off the days of this, the last week of 2016, and ending with the renewal of the calendar as I seek to understand my own renewal.

Peace and goodwill towards all. <3



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