2013: The Vision Thing

by | Jan 4, 2013 | Life and all That

I’m working on that thing that everyone tells you to do, but you never actually do: a vision statement.

Really, you can’t trip over a self-help, motivational or business advice book without being told to write a personal vision statement. I’ve generally resisted, not because I think it’s ridiculous (I’ve always actually loved the idea), but because I’ve kind of been worried about what it might say.

I’ve been talking about changing my plans for 2013, going in a new direction and committing to it 100%.

For me, that actually means three directions.

I know, I know. *sigh*

Well actually, FOUR directions, now that I think about it. Yay?

To say I’m a little conflicted about that would be an understatement. Yet, to me, somewhere in the dark recesses of my twisted mind, they are all related, based on two principles:

  1. I am a story teller
  2. I want to help people

And that, really, is pretty much the heart of my vision statement, to be honest. Sometimes I might help people with a minimum of storytelling to it, and sometimes I’ll tell stories that don’t help a living soul, but in the end, that’s the person I am and what I do. Although I suspect it might all actually boil down to this:


It could be that your sole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.

It could be that your sole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.





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