dawn at Lake Ella

4/1/2021 – Thursday (a fool to Nature’s April)

Yesterday was practically steamy, the onset of summer weather, so you can imagine my surprise when I stepped out for our walk at 5:30 am wearing shorts and sandals and a tee shirt only to get ripped entirely apart by ARCTIC WINDS, wtf???!?!

Apparently the temp dropped overnight and since, like a fool — April fool am I!!! — I just assumed the weather would be as warm as yesterday, I was not prepared for 55°F! I hopped back in the house, much to Keely’s displeasure, to change clothes.

We eventually got out the door to face down fierce, blustery wind and annoyed ducks. You know it’s Florida when it isn’t even below fifty degrees out and everyone you meet on your morning walk complains about the bitter chill from under multiple layers of clothes. I see you Northerners laughing at us, and frankly we deserve it.

However I did get confirmation about the suspected fox that Keely has been sorta-tracking with interest. Becky was carrying a heavy stick (piece of pipe?) which she normally doesn’t, and told me it was because she saw a fox harassing ducks the other morning. Regular spring theater, IMHO, but she was spooked. Of course the real danger is not a skittish fox but the dogs off-leash, but fortunately the jackass who regularly lets his aggressive dogs off-leash in the park wasn’t there.

Today’s photo is a cheat, as it is not a photo I took but screen shot of this tweet by photographer Alex Hyner. Earlier this week I talked about taking a photo of a billboard everyday to track the changes of both the board and the light/weather, and then came across this image later that same day.screenshot of a tweet by Alex Hyner

It is not a painting; the photographer has stitched different days he photographed the pole into the sections formed by the wires, and personally I think it is transcendent.

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