dawn at Lake Ella

4/13/2021 – Tuesday

I am currently listening to Dead Can Dance, which I have not done in YEARS, because I’ve been re-organizing my entire music library using MediaMonkey software (which I do recommend, might write an actual blog post about it at some point). I only mention it because I’ve realized that organizing things is my version of stimming — it calms me down, and I enjoy it a lot. It’s like working on a puzzle.

The side effect is that I’m rediscovering a lot of music I forgot I own, which has been sitting idly by in my music folder doing not much of anything. It’s nearly  7,000 songs, most of which I acquired legally! So there is a lot of music to re-discover! Listening to an old fave is a good way to start my morning.

Our walk was pretty uneventful, aside from the grumpy Canada Geese, a few who have small broods already and are hissing over them a lot. Keely and I know better than to engage so we do a lot of small detours. The last time one of those beasts attacked us I had a bruise on my leg that lasted a week!

The picture I took this morning looks boring, but it is actually representative of an interesting story: 5G.5G pole on 7th ave.

This is at least the fourth 5G pole that’s been installed in my neighborhood since the start of the year. They go up fast and without fanfare.

I think about these a lot when I’m reading about Republicans whining that we can’t have high-speed national rail or rural internet service or [fill in the infrastructure here]. The US is too big! It’s too expensive! It’s…it’s all a bunch of excuses! We can and we have done massive infrastructure projects plenty of times. Have those people never seen a highway before? *rolls eyes*

5G is another one, going on right now, that large corporations are funding directly or indirectly, so true enough that government is not footing the bill, but my point stands. Our state cleared the way quickly to get this done quickly, and it’s happing like a wave. (The reason Republicans support it is because it directly profits corporations, which is the only thing they care about.)

Where there is a will, there is a way. Would that this country cared about its citizens as much as it does corporate profits and white supremacy.

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