dawn at Lake Ella

4/16/2021 – Friday

I am, right now, listening to my BattleStar Galactica OST megamix, which is 5 hours of BSG music. I love it. I have not listened to it in a long time, though. If you’ve been keeping up then you know I’ve been rediscovering older music I own due to organizing it (at last) using the software MediaMonkey. It’s so much fun!

It’s very dramatic music, though, which might not be representative of today’s theme. While I woke up on time, it was a leisurely morning and honestly I could go right back to sleep with very little provocation! Keely is, in fact, asleep right now. And since nothing photogenic caught my eye on our walk this morning, here is photo of Keely patiently waiting for her share of whatever meat I happened to be cooking the day I took this photo:keely begging

She’s so cute! She really is tremendously adorable, and it’s interesting how people react to her. I suspect she represents some kind of Platonic (or perhaps Disney) ideal of “scruffy dog”, because people will literally walk out of their way to tell me how cute she is. And while I agree, obviously, it’s also true that she’s kinda thick and barrel chested and covered in raggedy, cotton-like fur that looks knotted up five minutes after I brush her out (a hopeless battle). There is simply something about her that says “adorable doggo you want to love”! A fact she leans on when she wants a treat, I have to say.

Otherwise it’s a regular Friday. Day!job is both slow and stressful, what with the lack of immediate tasks to do but also several lurking larger issues hanging over our heads. Our director and our testing center supervisor are both maxed out, and the rest of us are just trying to hold the boat steady. Typical end of term woes, actually. Hard to believe next week is finals week! Not pausing for spring break threw us all off our game.

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