dawn at Lake Ella

4/19/2021 – Monday

Keely was a bit slow off the mark this morning. Her habit is to wait until just before the first alarm goes off (how does she know??!?!??!) to get back in bed with me and either flop on top of me (if she’s anxious to go out) or flop down next to my legs to go back to sleep. This morning she partial-flopped on top of me then curled up and went back to sleep. Not sure what inspired that but it was adorable! In fact I did not have the heart to wake her so I crept out of bed like a thief in the dark to go get ready for our walk.

Alas all good things must end, and I had to be at the actual work office location by 8 a.m. for an early meeting with IT over computer issues (*sob*) so eventually I got her up and out the door. It was a typical uneventful walk, although I think she picked up on the fox once or twice. The place was bereft of the other regulars and I expect the constant rain of the past day scared them off.

In exchange for a boring walk, you get a boring picture! This is one I took last week when it was a foggy morning, and I’m still not impressed with it, but I played with filters and color adjustments a bit. Only so much you can do with a photo from your phone camera, though. foggy parking lot

Later today, I get my second COVID vax shot! I’m not exactly looking forward to it, as everyone I know who got the pfizer shot had unpleasant symptoms following, but I am definitely looking forward to feeling like I am truly on the road to full vaccination. In any case, I took tomorrow off just in case I do, actually, feel like crap.

Interesting COVID news: During Keely’s evening walk yesterday, I talked to one of the workers at a local restaurant and he told me that they are at higher sales numbers than from before the pandemic, but half of that is from take-out/delivery orders, and they have had to keep onsite occupancy at 50% despite the fact that they are allowed to go to 100% now because the increase in orders would overwhelm the kitchen. We pondered if this was a permanent change, and I suspect it is. People are too used to delivery now, so even if the number of take-out/delivery orders does drop (I’m sure it will) I’d be surprised it such orders ever account for less than 1/3 of sales ever again.

To be honest I’m more surprised we haven’t had any ghost kitchens pop up in town — maybe we have? But I have not heard of it.

The world around us has changed, though. There is no “normal” here.

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