dawn at Lake Ella

4/2/2021 – Friday

It’s Friday AGAIN??? I am grateful to have made it through another work week but seems like just yesterday I got my first COVID shot…but that was Monday. So not yesterday, then. The week has been a fog.

The COVID vax (pfizer) did knock me down with fatigue and general body achiness Tuesday and Wednesday, so those were spent mostly in fugue states and early bedtimes. Yesterday was wonky because I was covering for a colleague so I was not in my own office, and while it wasn’t stressful or difficult it was a little surreal. And now, Friday. Okay.

Fitting the theme, I saw this sign planted at Lake Ella, and it made me laugh.time travel club sign

The same rogue comedian who did the duck review sign, I wonder? They are not particularly funny, but the execution makes up for that. Who spends that much time and energy on what are, essentially, dad jokes? They are hilarious because someone spent earnest effort to do it. I’m honestly so glad that people are trying to boost the the feel-good vibe, because my outlook on humanity right now is not exactly optimistic.

I could go into detail on that, but I assume you consume enough news to know what’s going on, well, everywhere.

But there was a funny sign at the park, and a few of the regulars were there and we all acknowledged each other, and Keely nearly took my arm out of the socket pulling on her leash to track the local fox, so all in all it was a good morning.


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