dawn at Lake Ella

4/20/2021 – Tuesday

Well, I got the second pfizer shot yesterday! *waves pompoms*

I think I’ve escaped the worst side effects, but that’s still not nothing: was completely exhausted a few hours after the shot, went to bed and fell out like a sawing log, then woke up at 1 am with a nascent migraine. Took meds and put a sleep mask on so I nodded off again soon enough, but this morning I’m still fatigued and headachy and I am so body-sore I feel like I did a whole crossfit routine yesterday. I’ve never done a whole crossfit routine in my LIFE but I’m just guessing this is how crappy I would feel afterwards. Ow.

But dog walks don’t wait for optimal health, so out we went a little after 7 am. I think Keely thought it was a weekend so she steered us to her usual route up to 3rd avenue instead of down to Lake Ella, but I kept us from wandering too far because I am still exhausted. We stopped for a moment outside of the old Cafe Cabernet at 3rd and Monroe, which is now a seafood restaurant that seems to be doing okay. Keely, as usual, was not pleased about getting photographed:keely-boo hates photographs

The photo I took after that one is hilarious because she looks totally morose, but I will spare her pride and not share that one! ahahahah

I’m glad I took the day off; I could definitely work like this, but it would be exhausting and unpleasant. This is what sick days are for, in my opinion, and I’m glad I have the good fortune to take one. My big plan for the day is to go back to bed soon. We’ll see from there.

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