dawn at Lake Ella

4/23/2021 – Friday

We got out before 6 a.m. and I was originally going to post a photo of a random empty table randomly sitting in a through-fare but instead I’ll share this little bit of history:

space launch!

Yes, that is a fast moving bright light surrounded by mist (it was a very clear sky otherwise) and trailing a blinky light that strobed every second or so. Yes, it was very weird. Yes, it went by very fast.

It is, apparently, NASA’s Space X Rocket Crew-2 launch, headed to the International Space Station! I stopped watching launches after the Challenger disaster (yes I’m that old) so I really had no idea this was happening. I have very mixed, mostly negative, feeling about Space X (that is NASA’s job!!!!) but it’s always thrilling to think about our forays and advances into outer space. It makes the inner 10 year old in me squee mightily!

But I should note that being ignorant of launch schedules means I was walking the dog, innocent as the day is long, and saw this absolutely bizarre light show flare across the sky for approximately one minute or less. I could not decide if it was a crashing meteor and I should brace for impact, or a UFO and I should brace for the Men in Black to come pick me up and whisk me away! But I had the foresight to take a few pictures of it, and when I posted one of them to twitter a pocket friend informed me of what it actually was. I’m glad I have pocket friends to tell me that I do not have to wait for a meteor to wipe out civilization (…this time!).

Keely, of course, was supremely unimpressed by my gawping and just kept to her routine, as she is wont to do. She knows when we head out this early that I am heading into the office and she pouts about it. Soon, we are told, we will be expected to be back onsite 5 days a week like “normal” and I’m mostly spending all my energy not being enraged by that. I like working from home, damn it. :/

But it is Friday, the end of finals week, and I only have to dodge graduating seniors to get home later.

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