dawn at Lake Ella

4/27/2021 – Tuesday

Last night I took a full dose of nyquil because my allergies were acting up and I just wanted to go to sleep, but I forgot that a full dose will completely wipe me out so when my alarms went off I ignored them. In short, we did not get out for our walk until 7 a.m., so I’m grateful I am working from home today or I’d 10000% be late for work!

Keely, for her part, allowed me to sleep in for whatever reason. By the time we got out, dawn was breaking. I love the way the sun peeking behind the trees looks at this spot across Lake Ella, how it washes all the color out of everything except for the sky itself. This isn’t the first time I’ve taking this exact shot in the morning and I doubt it will be the last:

sunrise over lake ella

Someday I’ll learn how to paint that.

As cool and lovely as the morning was, it is supposed to get up into the mid-80°F later today, which is a good indication that summer is on the way. Oh, how I dread it!

I did not listen to anything this morning during my walk, which is highly unusual. Instead I went out without my ear pods, and simply tuned into the sounds of the city waking up and going to work. Traffic on 7th is still low at 7 a.m., but picking up, and there were several cars at circle K stopping for a top off of fuel — both gasoline and coffee! But it was not too busy, and the park itself remained mostly empty. The Walking Bros were there, and a few other exercisers who acted like regulars but I had not seen before due to the time. We all have our makeshift, ad hoc communities around us that we don’t even see until they are not there anymore, I think.

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