dawn at Lake Ella

4/6/2021 – Tuesday

A typical, if pleasantly cool, morning in Tallahassee. Keely is still on the hunt for the local fox, I think, given her firm demands to wander in and around some bushes she normally ignores, nose firmly pointed at the ground. I’m pretty sure she would have no idea what to do with it if she found it, but curiosity is a universal urge.

Today’s photo is from yesterday: my amaryllis! red blooming amaryllis

Unlike other variations, this one only blooms once a year, in April. It blooms, shows off for a few days, then pulls back for the next 11 months. Last fall the maintenance guys nearly cut it to the ground, so it’s a little less impressive than last year, but as you can see still full of blooms! It is a left over, something I did not plant, and I often wonder who put it there. There are no other amaryllis in the whole complex so I’m sure it was a former resident.

I am thinking a lot these days about the nature of “home” and how I define it. I’ve said before that I don’t really consider Tallahassee home; it was always only supposed to be a way station. But I’ve been here for 15 years now, longer than I’ve ever lived anywhere else consecutively. Is it not home because I don’t belong here, or because I don’t want to? I’m not sure.


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