dawn at Lake Ella

4/13/2020 – Monday

I stepped outside and noticed the clouds, and the wind, and the oppressive humidity all pooling together. That means a storm is incoming, so I nabbed Keely and we high-tailed it for our morning walk.

What I missed, in this old-school weather check, was that we were under tornado watch with incoming heavy weather. A fact I learned half-way through our walk when my phone’s auto-alerts started pinging like mad.

All to say: it was an aborted walk made in haste as the winds picked up pond water and spit it at us and branches flew through the air menacingly. Florida can be an adventure, sometimes. I kept spying out the covered porches of buildings to duck into if things got worse, but that was just an overabundance of caution.

We made it home safely! Then cuddled on the bed while I drank some tea, waiting for the worst to pass.

Today’s photo is from a few days ago and I took it because it is rare, in the mornings, to see the gazebo without the bright anti-homeless lights on. (You can just see it in the middle of the photo, sitting on it’s jetty of rocks.)

The lights were installed a year or so ago, and are basically bright white stage lights, four large ones, set about this tiny gazebo in what looks like a terrible design choice but is there to keep the structure from being used as a place to sleep by homeless people.

It’s effective, I’ll give it that.

Then I look around and wonder where the homeless go. Where do we, one of the richest nations in the world, put our responsibilities? Not where they belong, from what I can tell.

I prefer the gazebo without the lights, anyway, so that’s why I took the shot.

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