dawn at Lake Ella

4/20/2020 – Monday

It’s a slow starting Monday because 1) I am on vacation from day!job this week; 2) I slept fitfully last night; possibly due to 3) the bottle of wine a neighbor gifted me (he left it on my front porch and I wiped it down with clorox wipes, which is how you do “neighborly” during a pandemic!).

I only had three glasses! But I do not drink often or much so it settled me down quickly. Although I’m not sure I can blame the nightmares and fitful sleep on it as, well, that’s been going on for a couple of weeks now.


Our walk happened at 8 am so it was fully past dawn by that point, as this lovely photo of my nearly-lethal blooming jasmine attests:

Nearly-lethal because boy howdy does that flower know how to project a scent! I am awash with the odor even with a face mask on. Fortunately I like the scent (hence why I planted it) but you cannot deny it is a lot. Whew.

Heavy rains came through last night beating down the pollen and the humidity and the temperature, so it was a lovely morning, bright and cool. We went mostly around Lake Ella but then I took a side street up into Los Robles and looped around that as well, with everything sparkling and clean-looking in the clear blue skies. Keely pranced the whole way, did not get any burrs in her paws, and generally enjoyed herself.

Most houses in Los Robles fall into one of two categories: inhabited by very long-term owners who have lived there longer than I’ve lived here, or rolled over every few years. Some houses have “for sale” signs out regularly, but not predictably. It is such a pretty neighborhood, if expensive — if I had my druthers and was planning to stay in Tally, this is the neighborhood I would buy into.

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