dawn at Lake Ella

4/23/2020 – Thursday

Here we are at another undetermined day of the week in an endless unnamed month somewhere in the middle of a global crisis!

That is how I felt going out for a walk this morning. The things I usually rely on to demarcate time — day!job, social meetups, bus schedules, semester **** — are on hiatus. Other things are not: more duckling broods have appeared, the Canada geese are screaming at each other, the sun is rising earlier than I am, bright green buds are appearing on trees, the jasmine is in full bloom and attacking every passerby with the scent of FLOWERS GET YER FLOWERS RIGHT HERE AWWW YEAH BEES COME AT ME

It’s a more natural rhythm, this larger expanse of seasonal change, and feels comfortable in ways the artificial timeclocking of industrialized society does not. Science tells us we all have natural rhythms and cycles, and Keely confirms this by begging for a mid-morning treat every day between 9 and 9:15 am precisely. I am thusly encouraged to think about what my own natural cycles are, and how they might have changed from when I was younger.

It was a cloudy day, more storms incoming later, and so I decided to get a photo of Keely since everything else was grayed out and dull. She’s wondering why I plopped her on this stool. I don’t think she really understands just how adorable she is! My very own muppet dog. 🙂

Today is more writing for me, coming back around from a spell of grief-induced PTSD which I hope to write about on my main blog at some point. It…won’t be fun. I find writing helps me process though. As always.

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