dawn at Lake Ella

5/1/2021 – Saturday

While both doggo and I were awake by 5:30 a.m., neither of us was too interested in getting up. She curled up on my legs for more sleeping, and I read on my phone until sunlight starting creeping through the blinds. We were out by 7 a.m. nonetheless.

It was still below 70°F though, which is getting rarer as spring morphs into summer. However we are well on our way, and every plant out there is striving. This little gem is managing to stake a claim on the sidewalk outside of the Tallahassee Senior Center, and while I’m sure it will not be long lived in that location it’s very pretty.

flower in a sidewalk

I do love the juxtaposition of delicate natural-world beauty and the dirty, stern textures of industrialized concrete.

My neighbor once again gifted me with a bunch of canned food I will not eat and a bunch of frozen processed meat that I will (what I don’t want will be forwarded to the FSU Food for Thought food pantry). I’m still confounded by where he’s getting this food — the brands variously show up at the Dollar Store and Walmart, when I do a search — and why on earth he’s giving it to me. It’s such a wild variety of products, too. I would suspect some kind of foul play but we’re just talking about super cheap food stuffs, and look, I’m not going to say no to a huge back of frozen meatballs. *shrugs*


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