dawn at Lake Ella

5/14/2021 – Friday

I have missed the last couple of days because I am feverishly working to clear the decks at my day job in preparation for a two week vacation. That of course means everything I’ve either been procrastinating on or had brewing on the back burner came due, and I’ve been super busy. That lets things fall through the cracks. :/

So, even today this is late, but at least I’m getting to it (during my lunch hour!). The big news is that we saw and heard the fox this morning! Keely noticed her as we walked along Lake Ella Dr. across from the Country Times Buffet — she crossed Monroe St. from the Publix plaza and dashed through the restaurant’s parking lot into the woods there. Then we caught sight of her again a few houses down before losing sight of her again.

Then I heard a child screaming.

It screamed again. And again. Short screams that got weirder and less child-like the more it went on. I quickly cut past the Viet Nam Vet’s building to go find out what the hell was happening and saw the fox screaming at the ducks!

All the ducks and geese in the water were focused on the fox, who was pacing around and screaming at them. She caught sight of me and Keely, though, and disappeared quickly under the American Legion building. I still have no idea what was going on, but I suspect she was making to grab a gosling and got a thorough whomping from a goose. LOL!

Further on I took this photo. It’s hard to see but if you look in the middle, you will see what looks like scaffolding.

photo of lake ella

It’s actually the bones of the tall steeple of the Methodist Church there on the corner of Tharpe and Meridian; I don’t know if it is being rebuilt, repaired, or torn down. But it’s definitely not the bright white steeple that usually sits over the trees there!

All in all an exciting morning! Although at least it was bit cooler out again, which was nice. Weird to have cooler temps in mid-May but I’ll take what I can get.

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