dawn at Lake Ella

5/15/2021 – Saturday

A rocky night of repeatedly waking up for no reason resulted in me tumbling out of bed at 5:30 a.m., much to Keely’s joy. She also go full lead to drag me wherever she wanted, which was mostly the usual jaunt up to 3rd, over to Duval, and up to the Publix plaza and back around. There were a couple of side quests along the way that I did not understand but Keely felt were important, so it was a nice, long walk in the end.

When we went by the Masa restaurant, I saw these things blooming:

yellow flowers

I have no idea what they are, and I honestly do not remember ever seeing them bloom before! But they are about my height and very pretty. I had to adjust colors a little to bring up the yellow in the blooms, which in person is very subtle but lovely.

Traffic was low but Publix was already starting to get busy by the time we went by. The mask mandate has been lifted there and in a lot of other stores, because no one cares that over 50 people a DAY are dying in this state, and our corrupt and vile governor is throwing bodies on the pyre in his bid for Dictator. Republicans every day showing how immoral and purposefully cruel they are in their quest for fascist power grabs. It’s astounding, really, how blatant they are and how easily they get away with it. …sorry to derail into politics but it’s on my mind a lot as work removed all the “mask up” signs in our office and is basically trying to pretend the pandemic isn’t a thing that happened.

But, otoh, it’s a gorgeous day out, cool and windy. I should probably go sit on the porch and enjoy it!

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