dawn at Lake Ella

5/16/2021 – Sunday

I slept hard last night, thankfully, and Keely was not impatient so we did not head out until after 7 a.m. It was a very lovely morning, cool and clear, and Keely meandered over to Thomasville Rd. before circling over to Duval. She did not, however, want to traipse up to the Publix plaza so it was only about a 40 minute walk all told.

The old Masa location at 3rd and Monroe is still undergoing renovations, and I still have no idea what is planned to be there. The long benches lining the walls are too high to sit on, too low to stand at, making me think there will be chair there? But it’s a weird set up for a restaurant. My curiosity is peaked but wow, they are taking things slowly. I suspect it is being done as money is available to work on it, suggesting a small/family business is in the mix.

I should have taken a photo this morning, it was so pretty out, but I was muggy-headed from all the deep sleep so did not even think of it. Instead, have a photo of a bed hog:

Keely hogging the bed

That is Keely from last night, taking up 2/3 of the bed with her small body. My leg is there on the right, under the covers as I perch on the edge of the bed that she graciously decided to share.

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