dawn at Lake Ella

5/3/2021 – Monday

Like any good worker drone, I find the very concept of Monday depressing. I usually wallow in bed, wallow in denial, until Keely gets impatient and starts stomping and jumping on me. Sadly for her, I find that adorable because it is something she took years to work up to. The Keely I brought home in October of 2016 was far too shy and unsettled to ever demand anything, but she’s fully out of her shell by this point, including barking at the mailman and stepping on my abdomen to get me up already.

She herded me out of the house by 6:30 a.m., but even by then the day was humid and warming up quickly. I think that is what I hate most about summer, that the night never cools down, it’s just 24/7 warm, sticky, moist air for nearly 9 months of the year. *sigh*

It was at least a bit cloudy, keeping the sun’s rays at bay for bit. I know “big sky country” is the mid-west but honestly due to the flat landscape of Florida our skies can be impressive, even with clouds:

clouds over lake ella

My emotional hangover from the weekend has passed, and I’m reflecting on the things I need and want to do. One thing I have been doing is repeatedly listening to Terri Cole’s interview on the Good Life Project, about boundaries and vulnerability and (very crucial for me) the concept of secondary gain. A friend recommended this podcast and since I listen to a lot of podcasts I didn’t think twice about queuing it up. Now I’ve relistened to it 4 times. Which says something about the lessons there that resonate with me. I’ll likely do a blog post about it sometime, but right now all the pieces of the puzzle are whirling around my mind in much the same way Keely and I circle the pond.

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