dawn at Lake Ella

5/4/2021 – Tuesday

Welp, we’ve finally turned the corner to “two showers a day” season. It was 75°F and over 80% humidity at 6 a.m. when we got out for our walk, and by the time we returned to the house, Keely was damp and I was sweat-slick. Bleargh.

I tend to take quick showers, fortunately for my water bill — another way I’m more like my father than my mother, I suppose. She always took Hollywood showers, and the bathroom was more her domain than mine. I think I started taking short showers as more of a defensive measure to stay out of her way! Ha!

I liked the way the radio tower was reflecting in the pond water, but it was not a bright morning (yet…those are on their way too) so I played with the balances in GIMP for a bit to get the image I wanted. My fascination with the radio tower continues, in any case:

I love the juxtaposition of the tower over the trees…the way our built world interacts with the natural world is endlessly fascinating to me, if you have not picked up on that by now. I’m hardly unique in that of course, and also I’ve not explored it too deeply. Questions like “why?” and “in what way?” hang out there, waiting for me to explore them through art, somehow. A distant goal, more like a reward to be granted someday…

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