dawn at Lake Ella

6/11/2021 – Friday

Every Friday I look at the calendar and get surprised by the fact that it is Friday.

I did sleep in again, despite being tucked into bed by 9 pm. I could say I have no idea why I’m so tired, but as I pondered it on twitter the other day, I’m pretty sure it is because I am existing primarily on junk food, which makes me feel terrible and puts my brain in low gear. I hear you now: Then stop eating junk food, KimBoo!!!! And I’d love to but it’s just so…so…easy, damnit. I am just not a good homemaker, I don’t enjoy cooking. I guess if I want to feel better and sleep better I need to buckle down, though…

The advantage of starting late for our walk, though, is actual sunlight. This photo taken directly of the sun over Lake Ella turned out better than I had anticipated, given that it is, you know, the sun. *squints*

sun over lake ella

Keely had a few exciting moments as, apparently, 7 am is the calling card for everyone to take their dogs for a walk around the pond. I’ve mentioned before that she is not too scared of other dogs (unless they are acting aggressively) but she’s also not particularly interested, which I’ve found upsets other dogs’ owners? Odd. I guess they take it personally? I don’t know but we spent a fair part of the route weaving on and off the sidewalk to maintain the canine version of social distancing.

Work is the usual blah blah blah. I am feeling the urge to write again, or rather, I am feeling the calling to be a storyteller. I’m nurturing that. I have missed it.

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