dawn at Lake Ella

6/14/2021 – Monday

Yesterday was a lot of fun, I went and spend hours with friends just playing around with our art supplies! There was no “goal”, no demand for productivity, it was simply an art play date and it was wonderful!

I did have a bit of an epiphany as we were all enjoying our various mediums, which is: I approach fine art the same way I approach writing, which is to say I’m a pantser. I have a vague idea of what I want to play with — colored pencils! origami paper! washi tape! glue!!!! — and just sit down to start scribbling and cutting and gluing. This, of course, goes against what most art and writing instruction demands, which is that you plan it out first. Plan, and draft, and outline, and…

Instead I create a draft as I go, and then go back and reconstruct it or start over based on the ideas I explored.

I guess that really is just how my brain works, huh.

This morning it’s back to the day!job. I woke up hungry but I have to assume that is due to the massive amounts of watermelon I ate yesterday during our playdate, as I am a hopeless watermelon addict. Mmmmm, watermelon….

It was a nice walk around Lake Ella this morning, but OH the HUMIDITY. Keely was actually, genuinely damp by the time we got home. *cringes* Gonna be a long, hot summer. Ughhh.

AvantGarb has hung this one singular vinyl album outside of their store for obscure reasons. Do they just hate this one album? The artist? Is it an artistic statement about the music industry?

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