dawn at Lake Ella

6/19/2021 – Saturday

In news that should not surprise regular readers, we have confirmation that KB Café is gone. I was pretty sure it was going to close from the moment I saw the sign go up nearly a year and a half ago. Did it ever even open? I have no idea! But now it is home to Leon C. Brunson, which is not a place but a person and based on his website I have super-high hopes for his success. Not sure it will even be open for meals, looks like it is catering and classes only? But that’s okay, maybe it’s time I took some cooking lessons (most of my friends would agree ahahaha):Leon C Brunson

Anyway, he’s not opened his shop yet as there is still some renovation going on there. Wishing him the best of luck!

Another place I saw that is possibly being renovated or, possibly, just gutted is the long-closed bar Crewe de Gras, behind Maria Maria Mexican café (highly recommended!). Looking in the windows it appears as if there is some new equipment along with older junk pulled from the kitchen, and I’m going to take a wild guess and say that Ology Brewing is taking it over for expansion purposes. Placing bets now!

The walk this morning was humid and gray, but not too wet. Looks like Claudia is staying far northwest of us, so while we are sure to get some rain, it won’t be anything to spectacular. During hurricane season, it’s the most we can ask for, really.


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