dawn at Lake Ella

6/4/2021 – Friday

Well that work week went by fast! Mostly due to me having a lot to catch up on after being MIA for two weeks.

Oh, how I long to be MIA again!

But over all work was not difficult or stressful, so I’m grateful for that much. Especially since I got my fist dose of shingles vax on Wednesday morning, which while not as bad as the COVID vax or as bad as I had been warned by others, still resulted in some deep body/brain fatigue coming and going through yesterday. I’m thrilled to have finally gotten it though, as shingles is one thing I have truly feared — the people I know who contracted it were in fierce agony and the long term health issues can be profound. I’m so grateful to have health insurance right now, y’all. So grateful, after 20+ years of living on the edge w/out it.

This morning was very clear and pretty, but did I take a photo? No. Instead, here is a photo from my vacation, when Keely and I were out walking closer to 8 am instead of 5 am. Every once in a while, someone somewhere will adopt a memorial tree and trick it out.

memorial tree

I’ve seen all kinds of versions of this ad hoc decoration, from solar lights to tinsel to statues. People will usually keep up with maintaining the decorations for a year or so then stop. Is it the same person, adopting a new tree on a whim every so often? Or a person who is trying memorialize a loved one? No way to tell. I like the reminder of grief, the public declaration that “this person is a memory we are trying to keep alive.”

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