dawn at Lake Ella

6/7/2021 – Monday

Yesterday I worked hard and so slept hard, and we did not get out for our walk until nearly 6:30 am. Given that it is a workday, I was pressed to walk and shower and get tea before logging on. Ughhhh.

But, the good news is that the Great Tidy Up is pretty much a wrap! I have a bunch of assorted things I need to put away sitting on my drafting table, but the rest of the house, nearly every inch of it (the inches I could reach, that is) has been scrubbed, dusted, polished, re-organized, de-cluttered, and weeded. Two large loads of stuff to the resale shops, new closet shelving, new bathroom storage unit, and lots of rearranging later, my home is homey again! So this is what having floor space feels like…

But yes, also more reminders of how out of shape I am. I hate it, but then I generally hate my body so this is nothing new. *sighhhh*

Next goal is new shelving for the living room…IKEA here I come!!!!…Goodbye, hard earned money!!!!

As for our morning walk, it was very humid, post rain. It was not a strong storm, but enough to make everything damp and moist and icky. That said, it looked beautiful. This is one of a series of photos I took from this particular vantage point, facing north-west across Lake Ella, and something about it just made me think of a movie set:

lake ella sunrise

Keely was panting heavily by the time we got home, despite it only being 75°F. I might have to start cutting back her walks when the heat gets bad, I think. She’s napping now on our bed, and I have the fan turned on in there to help her cool down. Poor baby. I mean, I get it, I don’t handle high temperatures well either. Why the heck I’m still in Florida I don’t know!!!!

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