dawn at Lake Ella

7/11/2021 – Sunday

We’re well past spring into the dog days of summer, which will unfortunately last until mid/late October. However there are a few perks, mostly visual, as in this ornamental landscaping at an otherwise entirely bland office building on Thomasville Road:

Keely and I both slept late again, and as the temperature and humidity were rising fast we took a shorter walk than usual for a weekend, only about 45 minutes: over to Thomasville Rd., down to Johnston Street and then over to Monroe Street back up to home. As we went by the Midtown commons plaza I realized that the bars which closed during pandemic are still unoccupied. Finnegan’s Wake is the one that surprises me most, as it is a classy little bar space. Honestly the Fifth & Thomas bar/restaurant doesn’t surprise me, though, as that location seems to be a bit cursed and has revolved through numerous reincarnations since I’ve lived here, and the only one I miss is the Brazilian steakhouse.

We are now two days post-fire ant scare, and Keely does seem to be doing okay. She’s not scratching at her skin or having difficulty breathing, and repeated searches have not turned up any actual ant bites. Of course, an autoimmune flare doesn’t always happen quickly so I am keeping a weather eye on her for…well, probably forever. I love her so much and I do fear losing her, even though I know I must at some point. The curse of dog owners everywhere.

I am reminded of the famous tumblr thread, “In the dog world, humans are elves that routinely live to be 500+ years old.”


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