dawn at Lake Ella

7/12/2021 – Monday

I truly, sincerely did not want to face Monday this morning. There is a lot going on inside my head, with my documented anxiety issues leading the way, and so here we are. I did eventually claw my way out of bed — a skill long-honed by panic and fear — and got us out for a walk by the time the dawn was really breaking:


At 7 am, Lake Ella park is unsurprisingly busy. The Old Bro Dudes were doing their fast-paced trot, but there were a few more exercisers making the rounds whom I don’t know well or see often. Even ran into Neighbor Larry walking the dog he is taking care of, which shows how late it really was!

Keely still seems to be doing okay post-fire ant drama. She was slow to rise (maybe it’s just the humidity in the air telling us to NOT MOVE) but once out the door was very invested in sniffing every bush along the way. She was not keen on my attempts to photograph the sunrise, as it took me a few shots to frame it the way I liked best. Perhaps she suspected me of trying to catch her in a candid shot? Ahahaha! Which I did not, however I did see another new duck brood and got a photo of that. I will probably share that one tomorrow. Late hatchings but I hope they all do okay. The heat is miserable but not too much more than usual for July in Florida, so as long as we don’t get any hurricanes coming through I think they will mostly be fine.

Time to go to day!job. *sigh*

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