dawn at Lake Ella

7/14/2021 – Wednesday

Once again managed to get out the door fairly early, leaving time later for meditation which I am really needing these day. Morale at work is at an all-time low and there is a lot uncertainty in the air, not to mention we’re STILL in the middle of a serious, deadly pandemic that our state government is choosing to ignore.

So yeah. I’m feeling stressed. Let’s put it this way: I reached out to my therapist for the first time in 2 years. Not even the depths of lockdown hit me this hard. But then again, I like being at home alone with my dog, it’s being forced out into the world to deal with a lot of stress that I hate. So. *shrugs*

It being so early, there were zero (0) people out. Even the homeless had not shown up yet from wherever they are managing to sleep. Once I got Keely awake and out the door, she was feeling a perky, which makes me feel better. I’m still keep an eagle eye out for any signs of a reaction to fire ant bites, but at this point, I’m cautiously optimistic!

That said we were both damp and panting by the end of it. It was only 73°F but it was also 90% humidity…yeah. Miserable. UGH.

I did catch the lighting on the WWII monument that I thought looked pretty:

WWII French borne

It was a gift from France, apparently? It didn’t used to be painted but then one day it was, which was a shocker:

Tallahassee’s gift was a borne, or kilometer marker, like those along the “Liberty Road” in France. The Liberty Road is a 1,146-kilometer road from the beaches of Normandy east to Bastogne, Belgium, built by the French in 1947 to commemorate the U.S. role in liberating France during World War II. Tallahassee’s borne is a recreation of a Liberty Road borne, created by the people of Brou, a small town 90 miles southwest of Paris, whose name is inscribed on the borne.

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