dawn at Lake Ella

7/21/2021 – Wednesday

If you’ve noticed, I have not updated in a few days.

I am trying to learn to be kinder to myself, in both allowing myself time off and also allowing myself to climb back onboard the train after falling off. Sometimes we need to take a break, and that is not a failure that casts a shadow over all future activities.


The upshot is that the food poisoning/reaction of last Friday knocked me on my ass (heh) and I think affected my whole self. I was lethargic and depressed all of Saturday and Sunday, and on into most of Monday. Yesterday I felt better but still down and blue. Today I am fighting my way up and out, I hope. Just posting this is a good sign…

Nothing of major importance has happened on our morning walks, anyway. This morning it was 74°F and 67% humidity, which was…tolerable, I guess. Summer is just one long run of hot moist air. Bleargh. No regulars were out this morning, but Becky was getting started just as Keely and I were leaving.

The only real news was that something???? happened?? to this bench:

destroyed park bench

I would suspect it just got tipped over after one the intense rainstorms we’ve had here, making the ground soggy, but if you look closely you’ll see one of the supporting struts of the bench has been separated from it, as if it was unscrewed. So weird. As of yesterday, it had been cleared away completely  and the ground evened out…I wonder if the city will even bother to replace it, or continue removing park amenities as part of the ongoing draconian anti-homeless measures. Because we hate homeless people more than we care about anyone being able to use the park as a nice place to visit.

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