dawn at Lake Ella

7/22/2021 – Thursday

Having a bad brain day, as the saying goes. A co-worker accurately labeled it “free floating dread”. What do I fear? I have no idea, which is one of the less-fun aspects of anxiety.

I’m not specifically scared of catching COVID19 (I’m vaxxed and cautious) or of individual people, but being here at the office is unsettling. Honestly what’s coming back to me as my hands shake while typing this is 1/6, sitting in this chair, watching seditionist terrorists storm the capitol building in D.C. in an attempted coup. It’s not the history I ever imagined I would be witness to.

So, to make up for that, here’s a photo of Keely from last week, waiting expectantly for a treat to materialize for her.


I just love her Flying Nun ears!!!! She’s so CUTE! Should I cut back her bangs, Y/N????

I probably should update on our walk: it was early, 5:10 am (yesss! triumph!) and also hot (77°F) and moist (91% humidity). Par for the course of summer, when the damp heat settles into every nook and cranny. No regulars were out, at all…I’m thinking Have a Nice Day Guy is just MIA now, and I hope he is okay.



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