dawn at Lake Ella

7/3/2021 – Blessing of the Bats

It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that the flying things I often saw during dusk were bats. My brain would just see “dark flying thing” in the sky and label it “some kind of bird” and that was that. Eventually I stopped to watch them, I think because I pinged to the fact that birds don’t fly like that and I could not figure out what was weird about them. BATS! They are BATS okay I just didn’t think of that until I did!

Anyway, the only time I see them in the evening is when we’re walking through Los Robles, the ritzy old subdivision up the road at 5 corners. It’s always a delight and I mourn the evenings I miss out on seeing them. They are never flying in a large colony, I would guess less than 20 individuals. I feel a little blessed when they show up.

A long lead in to say, I actually saw morning bats today! We got out around 7 am, but it was cloudy out so it was very dawn-like light for most of it. As we came up on 3rd Avenue I heard them chirping and yep, there they were! Bats! Blessing our morning walk! Such a good omen.

While there, I noticed the little garden VeneBites has going on. It’s very vibrant and pretty, and I hope represents the small local business’s success:

venebites porch

They opened right before the pandemic lockdown hit us in March, 2020 and I was worried they might be a casualty of it, but they persevered with take out and delivery. Their food is great so try them out if you are here in Tallahassee!

Keely I don’t think was feeling too well by the end of the walk, which I suspect was due to the heat. I’m just going to have to cut down on her walk times whether she likes it or not, because with the high humidity and high temps we don’t even need the sun out to make everything exhausting.

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