dawn at Lake Ella

7/9/2021 – Friday!

Today was thrown off because I managed to score a visit to my GP doctor for [redacted]. I’ll explain in further posts I’m sure but for now just know that that nothing is wrong, and I’m healthy, this was more of a research/reference issue.

Anyway, that means once I got Keely walked and fed and then took a shower, it was time to head out to the doctor’s office. I use Lyft b/c she moved 2 years ago to a location that is wayyyy off any bus routes, but even so, it still took over 2 hours out of my day. Although to be fair when I was able to ride the bus to her office, it usually took half a day what with the bus schedules and transfers.

Which is the long way around to saying this is late, and being written on a short break from work. Today’s photo is inspired by that visit to the doctor’s office, where everyone is still masking 100% and demanding that patients mask and the whole place is covered with signs begging people to get vaccinated. My doctor expressed her concerns about the delta variant, and pulled the classic General Leia line: “It’s not over yet!”

But here in Florida people are pretending it is. Signs like this, which are up at my vet’s office, are a rarity now.

covid precaution instructions at vet's office

I have a whole album of “Photos from the Pandemic” that will be interesting to look back on years from now, I think. Unfortunately right now it’s just depressing. All that effort and our government did not give a damn about people getting sick or dying, so what was the point?

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