dawn at Lake Ella

7/30/2020 – Thursday

Today I am including a photo of myself in the popular new fashion, “Pandemic Hair Style”!

I got tired of my whispy, ugly locks in yesterday’s heat that I got home, walked the dog, and chopped it all off! As I said on twitter, here I am in all my bald old-woman glory! First time in lipstick since March, I think (not counting carmex balm!)

Anyway, onto the walk this morning: early, and pleasant, since the heat had not soaked in yet and we got some rains yesterday afternoon to take the edge off. There is, technically, rain forecast for today too but this morning so far has been been very clear of clouds.

Keely took the lead and went an odd direction, avoiding the cottage green and deciding to traipse down the short “street” that runs between the Chandler House and Black Dog’s parking lot. I noticed, for the first time, that M.A.Zing Dancewear is still in place and open for business. I assumed that since most of their business is for school kids taking dance classes that they would have a hard time surviving the Pandemic. Maybe they have? Maybe they have been doing online ordering? I have no idea, but they persist and my assumptions must be all wrong! I’m very happy for them.

After the little detour, Keely went on her usual sniff-stroll around the pond, and since we were so early out the door (5:30 am!) I was content to let her linger. It’s nice when I don’t feel pressured in the mornings with the work deadline, and you would think that getting up at 5 am would mean I have zero stress about logging onto work by 8 am but whooooo boy, I am NOT a morning person so yeah it takes a few hours for me to just get over waking up. It’s a personal trauma! Ahahaha!

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