dawn at Lake Ella

8/14/2020 – Friday

Update on anti-homeless developments at Lake Ella: even the concrete slabs have been removed, now.

Again, so quickly done, and interestingly this project is NOT listed on the City’s “Current Projects” webpage. In fact there is no information about this at all, anywhere, that I can google. If you know what the master plan is for the park or where to find it, please let me know.

I think this is so emblematic of the USA’s general approach to social problems, which is: treat the symptom, not the cause. This results in anti-homeless campaigns, and endless economic attacks on minorities and the poverty stricken. You’ll note I say “anti-homeless” rather than “anti-homelessness” because we are not fighting homelessness, we are (as a society) waging a war against the people who are homeless, for no other reason than that they are homeless.

Racism? Put in poorly supported “Equal Opportunity Laws” and when they don’t work claim “we tried!” instead of investing in education on anti-racism and doing anti-racist actions like defunding the police.

This precept is expandable to the current covid19 crisis, I think. People want to re-open and pretend like everything is fine because they are focused on treating the symptom of an economic crash: people are out of work and business are failing, so re-open businesses and get them back to work!!!!

That doesn’t solve the pandemic, but then, most of them don’t believe the pandemic is real anyway. Or as real as the economic downturn we’re experiencing. Open the businesses to “cure” the symptom without addressing the real underlying problem is definitely the American way.

In other news, my computer is at Brunner’s Computer (local and woman-owned!) in hopes they can get it to load again, but I do not hold out much hope tbh. If they can salvage my files that would be nice, though. Meantime I have to come into work to get work done. Oh, the turns of fate.

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