dawn at Lake Ella

8/24/2020 – Monday

Back to workdays so out early, by 5:30 am. Also, weather is unpredictable with two tropical storms in the Gulf churning things up, so I wanted to get out while the gettin’ was good. There was a slight drizzle that Keely was not happy about but we made it there and back with minimal dampness.

Also, my computer is theoretically being delivered this morning, so I want to be laying in wait for that.

If you read yesterday’s update, you know I was feeling pretty lousy due to gastrointestinal issues all weekend. I think it is the fallout of the norovirus attack back in February, and was the result of me being inattentive to what my body is telling me I need to do, namely, cut out/significantly reduce some foods that I simply am unable to digest anymore.

But this morning I am feeling a lot better, after two days of yogurt and sauerkraut and miso soup — high probiotic foods and honestly all that sounds palatable for the moment.

I did not see any of the regulars out on the walk, which is not too surprising given the rain/threat of rain. Most of them, I think, drive to the park to walk around it, so it’s not a valid time investment if they will just get rained out.

There were a few ducks floating on the pond, but still fewer around than normal, so I think the mess of weather in the Gulf is affecting them, driving them to safe places for the duration.

Golden Corral has lights on again this morning, and I suspect will be opening up soon. Everyone in the USA is just…giving up, I guess? We locked down in March and April to flatten the curve and get ahead of covid19, but we only did half of that and now everyone seems to be shrugging and going “people gonna die anyway” which is a LIE because not that many people have to die. We are such a mess.

When eating out is more important than other people’s lives, you have to acknowledge that our priorities are simply and profoundly wrong.

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