dawn at Lake Ella

8/26/2020 – Wednesday

Time flies at the start of term, and it was only as I started this missive that I realized it is 1) Wednesday and 2) nearly the end of August.


Part of me thinks the month flew by, but on the other hand, this year is lasting a whole decade and it also feels like Noneday, the 176th of March. Send help.

Keely was very off script this morning. While we took a turn about the pond at the Lake Ella park as we always do, she started right off in the opposite direction than we usually go. Most people, in fact, go counter-clockwise around the pond for no reason I can tell other than habit, but we usually go clockwise, taking use through the cottages and across the green first. But this morning Keely was of a mind about it so counter-clockwise we went!

She also kept stopping and looking around, or more accurately sniffing around. Her eyesight isn’t great so she gets startled by ducks that she thought were bushes quite regularly, but whatever scent was on the air this morning caught her attention.

I did not let her linger too much as today is a “going into the actual office” day, meaning I had to catch the bus and otherwise get a move on.

I am thinking about buying one of those electric scooters (if I had the money I’d totally buy a segway, but alas!) as they have decent mileage and range in this here Year of Our Dog 2020. While I’d love to ride my bike I’m wary of traffic and also out of shape, so this might be the compromise that works for me. It would keep me off the buses, which is my main goal, even if I am only going in a couple of days a week.

There is a ton of signage around the office warning people to practice social distancing and wear masks, but this also happened so no one is feeling optimistic. Morale is low. Administration is gaslighting us and pretending they care.

We are all just watching the clock waiting for someone to get sick, to die, and we all feel so powerless. It’s terrible, but then, that’s the #MOOD for the year I suppose.

In the meantime our walk was very hot and muggy, I think a function of the storms to the west. We won’t get any of that rain, but there is always next time…

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