dawn at Lake Ella

8/4/2020 – Tuesday

By dint of determination I managed to sleep in until 6 am! Still managed to get out of the house before 7 am, though, which was fine as the sun was not teasing the sky yet. Hints of dawn, more like.

Keely pranced around (once she woke up, it was a slow morning for her as well) completely oblivious that today is her annual(ish) check up! Poor dear. You think she would have gotten a hint due to the fact that she got a bath yesterday, but no! Completely innocent and naive.

I do worry, after her health scare last year, that they will find something new and terrible, but all indications are that she’s healthy so I’m just being worried for the sake of it. Still. *sits on phone, waiting for callback*

The vet has stopped letting people into the building — they have had signs out front since March but in April they had to put a big “THIS DOOR IS LOCKED” sign up because, I assume, people are jerks and entitled (esp. with my vet, who tends to have more upscale clients). They now come out to you to get your pet, and of course I’m fine with that. Everyone was masked up properly. Such is the new normal!

So Keely is off for adventures at the vet’s, I’m sure assuming she has been abandoned and left to languish FOREVER there. Ahhh, poor pupper! At least she got in a nice long walk beforehand, and even zig-zagged back and forth across the cottage commons a few times for no reason at all that I could tell.

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