dawn at Lake Ella


Out late due to a very not-good night, mostly inspired I think by a wretched combination of political news and bad food choices.

I ate a real sandwich on rye bread on Wednesday which settled fine, so I tried pizza last night (PIZZA!!!!) and felt the Betrayal of the Bread. Damn. Lesson learned: what I can take in small quantities best not be trifled with in large amounts.

Thus it was a night of fractured sleep and indigestion and nightmares, and I really just did not want to wake up and go for a walk at all. Keely was patient to a point but by 7 am she was done with my nonsense and belly-flopped on my chest which did, in fact, fully wake me up!

As reward for waiting as long as she did, I let her take lead and steer us through the long route — over to 3rd Ave, up Duval to Publix, then back around. A slow but solid hour of walking for both of us!

Golden Corral is still sporting the “opening soon!” sign but there is no other life there that I can see. The bars at the Manor at Midtown are pretty much emptied out of furnishings and inventory but no “for rent” signs are up, which is interesting. Also interesting is that the laundromat across from the Publix Plaza was very busy! At 8 am? Everyone trying to avoid the crowd, maybe? I don’t know but it was a surprise. Publix was starting to get busy as well.

The other thing busy in this town are the post-rain storm mushrooms:

We always get some popping up after a serious rainfall but they are really out in force this year.

One upside to the post-rain storm weather: it was a touch cooler! Only 72°F! Which is much, much nicer than hot-humid 80°F+ weather that has marked this summer’s morning walks so far. I’m so very looking forward to fall!

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